Thursday, June 24, 2010

Pop Culture and Theology

I was just glancing over some of Mary Hess's book Engaging Technology in Theological Education and I was struck by this quote, "As I wrote earlier, All That You Can't Leave Behind is the name of an enormously popular musical album by the superstars U2, and Left Behind is the title of a series of novels and a film. The wonderful coincidence - as in "coincidencing" - of these themes suggests to me that religious symbols and biblical narratives afloat in our larger cultural spaces are a rich source for theological reflection," (83). Our culture is littered with mainstream artists who are wrestling with huge theological questions in their art. One of the songs I think of most is Dave Matthew's song Bartender, a song about receiving a drink that will give life, life that is sustaining and not wanting to receive the drink that "strung Judas up from the devil's tree". What is your favorite pop culture reference? Where do you see the biblical narrative afloat in our cultural space?

1 comment:

  1. My reference is not current pop culture but it is pop. It is "I Just Want to Celebrate" by Rare Earth. The song talks about how he put his faith in people and the people just let him down. Then he put his faith in a dollar bill, but it just blew away. I love how the song talks about celebrating life and living. It reminds me to be grateful for each day and to put my faith in God because I know God won't let me down.
